Content Framework


Matt Lambert



The realisations flowed this week.

First, the desired outcome of mapping your search audiences will likely be the content production system you get from it.

It escaped me at first. So, we will need to make this obvious. Knowing is not enough. Content plans that focus on what works. The decision architecture will be the most important element.

The capture process

The point of the program will be to deliver the skills to prioritise the production of website content that works better.  The process is less straightforward than I thought, from start to finish, so I created a folder for each of the seven stages of the buying decision. This is in Nimbus Notes, perfectly suited to capturing all the elements in the production process. Perhaps we will even store argument-supporting content in there too.

There is this 2nd brain, or ‘company brain’ element to capturing the knowledge from around the web, the competitive info, and the internal links to mindmaps and SEO stuff.

Might the seven decision stages prove useful for website content and repurposed for Social too? I should find a social partner and find out.

The five core audiences turned into more core audiences >

  • Awareness: Media and PR: 1
  • New Business: Search, New Social, Partnering: 3
  • Nurturing: Existing Social, Email: 2
  • Referral: Customer Base: 1

Total 7.

That’s a good number, seven decision stages & 7 audiences (not that they map directly). The same audience is in there twice, but they are split between new and existing contacts, so they are not the same. The New Business section is where you grow the list.

Beta training progress

My 4th training session was a bit of a re-covering of the old ground. That ground had been tilled since the previous time. I had more concepts, and more names for them. We are now up to 5 concepts as part of the Search Audiences framework.

The session demonstrated that audience-specific search audience training would get the highest traction. No surprise there, then.

The feedback I received was that people are lazy and want everything spelt out. Quite right. Also, it would be more relevant and easier to absorb if specific to their area. Perhaps we should go back to those student-specific maps now.

At the point of feedback, my brain stretched a bit wider. I realised that partnering, and training the trainer would be the way to get the most value; otherwise, it would be too nebulous and big a subject. Perhaps those who use it as a tool for their clients would sit with the generic stuff for a while.

The bottom line is that it’s still too concept-like, ephemeral and theoretical for the future without the nuts and bolts of actual keywords and pages to learn from.

Methodology Course Progress

Saturday, I opened the expert methodology course, and it explained the extrinsic goals of building this methodology would include training the trainer.

As usual, it is leading me where I am going. I got siphoned off into writing, the creative inspiration called. The first piece of content you produce is the proposition, the pitch. It’s forming quickly now.

The whole thing is accelerating. Less messy, I guess!

Walk the site talk

I have CW and SA sites to do because it won’t mean much if we do not walk the talk. 

That forces the brain to dive into building out content around specific topic search audiences. I find it easier for other people than for myself, another sign that people’s expertise in their own topic will blind them to the needs of their audience. It could be a common paradox.

Physicians, heal yourselves. 

The buying process has seven stages or levels; each could do with at least one piece of content. So, I made a folder for each stage in Nimbus.

Back to Nimbus again. It does seem that Nimbus will likely be a part of content production. Both for ourselves, plus, the potential to support students through the course with workbooks, mindmaps and so on. They provide portal capability too.

Good start.

The content guru

David has the instinct to reserve detail and value rather than freely share everything all at once. He is likely being kind, as I realise, as usual, I am trying to pack value and overdoing the detail.

For example, breaking the ‘How to beat AI copywriting article’ down into multiple articles might be valuable. Retaining steps and not sharing the whole story goes against the generosity grain, but I might be wrong. I will wait until I know.

I have to start treating content as an invaluable asset, which after writing nearly 5 million words in the last seven years, could be a challenge. Grammarly is becoming one of my favourite tools because it tells me this stuff. I might create a tools section to share the tools of production. The bold is to remind me of the pieces I want to remember.

Because I am still baffling people after a few hours of explanation, I reckon I could share everything, and nobody would bother copying. You can’t force a good idea down people’s throats.

So a lot could be given away – which is an instinct I find difficult now I’m ready to share.

Itching to publish

The first piece of content – is the pitch and proposition. The draft is done; now let the content guru pass judgement. I shall report back.

I shall maintain a split personality of CW and SA and publish to a single LinkedIn profile. I can’t maintain more than one personality right now, so split personality it is. Tally ho. onwards and upwards.

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