Marketing is tunnel vision. Everything looks like a nail to your hammer. I see many arguments on social media about ‘which form’ of marketing is better than another. As an industry, it doesn’t make us look good. Those who argue are likely both right and wrong simultaneously. It depends is the appropriate answer. We have…
The realisations flowed this week. First, the desired outcome of mapping your search audiences will likely be the content production system you get from it. It escaped me at first. So, we will need to make this obvious. Knowing is not enough. Content plans that focus on what works. The decision architecture will be the…
If blogs don’t convert Our spiky point of view is that blogs don’t convert. So I should explain; though blogs don’t convert Search traffic (very well at all), a blog is still a communications channel. Why do we care? Its our thing. We are here to make website content architecture work better. What is the…
Thanks goes to those wonderful people encouraging and helping develop Search Audiences Training Courses. I am journaling the development of the framework. If people are interested, then this is the news. The search for excellence has begun. The ideal website content for the ideal user. That is the mission. Writing content that works is a…
Tap into your existing data and see who you should be talking to
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