It’s a simple maxim
Help People Find What They’re Looking For
Content hubs are a philosophy of listening to and serving website visitors.
Audience-driven website content design is a simple yet powerful concept. Why guess?

Audience Strategies
Figuring out what will work before spending time and money doing it.

Audience ‘Research’
Explore what Re: Search can tell you about the people you might consider serving.

Content Design
When you know who you want: produce the right content, in the right place, at the right time.
What is the point of content hubs?
Relevance. Every visitor search phrase has a topic. They are most interested in more information on that topic.
The TOPIC is the interest. They are interested in THEMSELVES. When totally relevant to visits, those pages are easier to research, and ‘ambiently discoverable’ without the visitor needing to think.
Visitors connect with those who write for them.
Combining audiences like the Venn diagram taught us
Search Audiences to uncover
There are many hubs, often depending on the topic keyword. The searches drive the choice, select the more commercial phrases, and start there.
Product and Service
The traditional topic for content: they are looking for your expertise
Tailor the content to be relevant for types of businesses & roles.
Learner, Worker, Manager, Owner, User, Writer, Marketer,
Decision stage
Timing; a sense of the buying process to plan content
80% think they want entry level, 15% top and 5% the absolute best
Company, Firm, Trainer, Course Provider, Accountant, Dentist
Markets change without us noticing. Is local still a consideration? Or not.
Career Searches
Career based audiences are serious about making it a better tomorrow.
Continual vs Transaction
Does this audience have a window, or is it a continual target
Intro training for market audiences
Add your email to the list, and we’ll invite you to an introductory walk-through.
Does it feel alien to you?
A Note on Inside-out Website Content
By default, new visitors to your website don’t yet care about you. They care about ‘what it is they are looking for.
It is sometimes hard to refocus on the visitor.
When people build website content, we often guess what to write. What follows is usually self-indulgent, ‘what we do’, ‘how we work’ type material.