Digital Marketing Audience Strategies
Understanding audiences is a marketing superpower.
We promote learning more about search audiences and making more of a website’s existing opportunities with your current visitors. It seems like the lowest-hanging audience.
However, before we start, the word ‘strategies’ comes into our thinking; it means ‘choosing’ the best way to achieve before you try.
Any marketer that claims their methods work for any business should set of some alarm bells.
How do we decide that Search and its audiences are right for our marketing?
Define the word Audiences
A group of people with a common interest, and or, common aspects of who they are.
The more affinity we have with those groups, the more likely we can be relevant with our offer, find them receptive to our messaging, and more likely to buy into us and our products and solutions.
A lot of marketing advice assumes you have already chosen your audience. I’ve always thought that post-audience marketing advice is a little tone-deaf.
It’s not straightforward.
As much as we want to choose our audiences, we can’t reach them without using different channels. There’s no point in planning to work for an audience you can’t profitably reach. And if you reach them, is it the right time?
Search Marketing is the right timing.
Do channels come before audiences?
We can only get to audiences through channels. Do we need to look at the different channels first?
Channels define the available audience.
How do we find the most effective audiences and channels, and in what order do we do it? If we could determine that in advance, we could preserve our hard-won marketing budget.
Do we pick audiences and then find channels?
What type of audiences are there, and what are the most actionable
How do we choose the most effective channels?
Channels define the available audience.
Therefore channels come before audiences. If you define audiences and then try and pick channels, then the risk is you won’t find them.
Audience Strategy: Knowing who to talk to and how to reach them
Search Audiences is a highly practical marketing framework. It is one of the few methods that allow you to ‘see’ audiences and what they want.
Audiences exist; you can’t just make them up.
But how does search fit into the marketing mix overall?
What audiences are we serving?

Decide which channels are right for your business
There are more factors at play than being a b2b or b2c.
The b2b b2c thing doesn’t make much sense in digital. Who you market and sell to no longer defines how you do it.
Define the activity at each stage
The same channels are useful for different phases of marketing, which can be confusing.
Marketing Phases
Overlapping audiences gives you specificity to create traction for your content.
The humble website and your email system are the best tools ever invented to segment and have different conversations with your best prospects.
Who do you serve?
What is this site for?
Intro training for market audiences
Add your email to the list, and we’ll invite you to an introductory walk-through.
Integrated Digital Marketing
What does strategy even mean?
I define it as ‘deciding what will work best before doing it. By deciding what you will do – and what you won’t – you will make the best use of your resources.
Marketing Definition
The Chartered Institute of Marketing describe it as
“identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably“
Defining Audiences is a big part of Marketing.
We will convert more interest into action by deciding who to work with.
Content Strategy
Keywords. Personalisation. Segmentation. Some amazing opportunities to design content for specific audiences and power results.
I also realise that Social Content and Search content are not the same. It is to do with timing the conversation and the stage your audience is at.
Do we write first and figure it out later?
I can’t help but agree that writing is a perfect way to help dig into any strategic thinking. It can take an awful lot of digging even to articulate the problems to be solved.
If something is too tricky to plan (like the idea for this site), then it can all be reorganised later. The most important thing is to start.